
Paul Tuda

Contact:Photo Santiago

Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research


Phone: +49-(0)421 23800-138




Research interest

  • Fisheries co-management and multi-stakeholders processes
  • Assessment of data-poor fisheries
  • Ecosystem modelling


  1. Tuda, P.M and Wolff, M. (2017). Comparing a holistic (trophic modelling) approach with singles species stock assessment: the case of Gazi Bay, Kenya. Under Review.Journal of Marine Systems.

  1. Tuda, P., M. Wolff (2016). Stock assessment of target reef fish from the multispecies and multi-gear reef fishery in Kenya. Under Review. Fisheries Research.

  1. Wanyonyi, I.N., Wamukota, A., Tuda, P.M., Mwakha, V.A., Nguti, L.M., 2016. Migrant fishers of Pemba: Drivers, Impacts and mediating factors. Marine Policy 71, 242-255.

  1. Tuda, P.M., Wolff, M., Breckwoldt, A., 2016. Size structure and gear selectivity of target species in the multispecies multigear fishery of the Kenyan South Coast. Ocean and Coastal Management 130, 95-106.

  1. Tuda, P., M. Wolff (2015). Evolving trends in the Kenyan artisanal reef fishery and its implications for fisheries management. Ocean and Coastal Management 104, pp. 36-44

Reports & Other Publications

  1. Signa D., Tuda P. and Samoilys M. (2011) Social, Economic and Environmental Impacts of Beach Seining In Kenya.In Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

  1. Tuda P., Waweru G., Nyaga K. and Obura D. (2008) Estimating total fishing effort over tidal to annual periods in the Diani-Chale reef fishery in Kenya. CORDIO Status Report 2008

Full CV

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