Environmental Economics Brownbag Seminar
The Environmental Economics Brownbag Seminar series is a cooperation between Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg. The seminar brings together environmental and resource economists from the whole metropolitan area as well as external speakers to present and discuss cutting edge work. It typically takes place once a month. Anyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend.
Unless noted otherwise, all seminars take place online via ZOOM. If you have questions or are interested in joining a seminar, please send an email to one of the organizers:
Dr Robert Germeshausen (robert.germeshausen(at)zew.de)
Dr Andreas Gerster (gerster(at)uni-mannheim.de)
Dr Santiago Gómez-Cardona (santiago.gomez(at)awi.uni-heidelberg.de)
Upcoming talks
19.04.2023 Ken Judd , Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA
Title: Dynamic Stochastic Analysis of Climate Policies
Location: ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, Room HKH (L7,1, 68161 Mannheim)
Time: 14:00 to 15:30 hours
Abstract: Standard models of the effect of climate change on the economy recognize the uncertainty about the climate system but usually ignores economic uncertainty. I (together with Cai and Lontzek) developed the DSICE model — Dynamic Stochastic Integration of Climate and the Economy — which adds both economic uncertainty and climate uncertainty to the canonical DICE model. My most complete exposition of DSICE was the 2019 JPE paper "The Social Cost of Carbon with Economic and Climate Risks” which demonstrated the substantial sensitivity of the social cost of carbon to the uncertainty in productivity, the risk preferences of economic actors, and uncertainty in climate tipping points. I will discuss more recent work with Yongyang Cai on the implications of DSICE for three related issues. First, economic uncertainty substantially increases the costs of any target. Second, development of direct air capture technology has substantial “insurance” value. Most analyses use deterministic present value methods to evaluate policies. Economic uncertainty creates substantial option value for direct air capture because it has very high value if the social cost of carbon becomes larger than expected. Third, ignoring economic uncertainty implies that conventional scenarios miss the upper tail of possible outcomes. The results of DSICE, computed ten years ago, show that we can now examine far more realistic models than is typically used. While uncertainty does dramatically increase the computational complexity of solving integrated assessment models, massive parallel architectures plus algorithmic advances from computational mathematics make it possible to solve models with both economic and climate uncertainties, multiple sectors, and multiple regions and perform the uncertainty quantification necessary to find policies that can be supported my many actors.
Everyone interested is welcome to attend.
Talks in 2023
17.01.2023 Philipp Richter (University Mannheim)
Title: Offshoring and Environmental Policy: Firm selection and Distributional Effects
14.02.2023 Bettina Chlond (ZEW)
Title: More money or better procedures? Evidence from an energy efficiency assistance program
21.03.2023 Jeromim Zettelmeyer (Bruegel)
Title: How Europe should answer the US Inflation Reduction Act
19.04.2023 Ken Judd (Stanford)
Title: Dynamic Stochastic Analysis of Climate Policies
16.05.2023 Lei Li
20.06.2023 Jakob Lehr
18.07.2023 Hans Koster (VU Amsterdam)
12.12.2023 Lint Barrage
The following lists previous talks in the FZU-ZEW Environmental Economics Brownbag Seminar series, organized jointly by FZU and ZEW and featuring mostly internal speakers.
Talks in 2022
18.01.2022 Tillmann Eymess (Heidelberg University)
15.02.2022 Peter Andre (briq - Institute on Behavior and Inequality / Bonn)
Title: Fighting Climate Change: The Role of Norms, Preferences, and Moral Values (joint work with Teodora Boneva, Felix Chopra, and Armin Falk)
15.03.2022 Ulrich J. Wagner (University of Mannheim)
Title: The Co-Pollution Impacts of Climate Policy: Evidence from the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (joint work with Dana Kassem and Laure de Preux)
03.05.2022 Frank Jotzo (Australian National University & ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions)
Title: Shifts in the economic geography of heavy industry in a decarbonising world: a view from Australia
24.05.2022 Santiago Gómez Cardona (Heidelberg University)
Title: Subsidizing Compliance: A Multi-Unit Price List Mechanism for Legal Fishing Nets at Lake Victoria
21.06.2022 Lassi Ahlvik (University of Helsinki)
Title: Quantifying supply-side climate policies
19.07.2022 Tillmann Eymess (Heidelberg University) / Beathe Thies (UMA)
Titles: Relative Income and Contributions to Public Goods: An application to air pollution / Air Quality and the Productivity of High-Skilled Workers: Evidence from GitHub
22.09.2022 Antonio Bento (University of Southern California)
Title: Why do inefficient policies persist? Evidence from Energy Subsidies in Brazil
18.10.2022 Anna Straubinger (ZEW)
Title: Going electric: Environmental and Welfare Impacts of Urban Ground and Air Transport
15.11.2022 Alexander Dangel (presenter) and Timo Goeschl (Heidelberg University)
Title: Diffusion Patterns and Neighbor Effects in Air Quality Sensor Adoption: The Role of Neighborhoods, Nearby Adopters, and Non-Compliant Monitors
13.12.2022 Johannes Gessner (presenter) and Wolfgang Habla, Ulrich J. Wagner
Title: Can social comparisons and moral appeals increase public transport ridership and decrease car use?
Talks in 2021
19.01.2021 Nicholas Tyack (The Graduate Institute Geneva / Heidelberg University)
Title: An experimental approach to farmer valuation of African rice genetic resources
16.02.2021 Stephen Jarvis (University of Mannheim)
Title: The Economic Costs of NIMBYism
16.03.2021 Pei Huang (ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)
Title: Air Pollution, Racial Disparities, and Health: Evidence from Ports and Oceanic Weather Events
20.04.2021 Johannes Lohse (University of Birmingham)
Title: Absolute groupishness and the demand for information
18.05.2021 Lukas Tomberg (RWI and Ruhr Graduate School in Economics)
Title: Warm-Glow versus Cold-Prickle and the Alignment Effect
15.06.2021 Robert Germeshausen (ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)
Title: Public Support for Renewable Energy: The Case of Wind Power
20.07.2021 Andreas Pondorfer (Technical University of Munich)
Title: Animal spirits: the natural geography of economic behavior
24.08.2021 Oliver Schenker (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Title: International Trade and Weather Variation
21.09.2021 Dana Kassem (University of Mannheim)
Title: The Social Cost of Power Outages in Delhi (joint work with Yatang Lin)
19.10.2021 Grischa Perino (University of Hamburg)
Title: Sentiments and (In-)Stability in Cap-and-Trade Schemes
16.11.2021 Yixuan Gu (University of Mannheim)
Title: The chemical transport model and some applications
14.12.2021 Madeline Werthschulte (ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)
Title:The Hidden Costs of Traffic Congestion (joint work with Andreas Löschel, Michael Price and Laura Razzolini)
Talks in 2020
21.01.2020 Jörg Peters (RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
Title: The regional energy efficiency rebound: Price and quantity effects in a randomized policy roll-out
Location: Seminarraum FZU, room 215
18.02.2020 Dimitri Szerman (University of Mannheim)
Title: Heat and Health: a Tale of a Tropical City
Location: ZEW, room tba
Location: ZEW, room "Heinz-König-Hall"
(Cancelled due to coronavirus)
21.04.2020 Hannah Klauber (Mercator Research Center on Global Commons and Climate Change, MCC)
Title: What driving bans tell us about the lasting health legacy of diesel pollution
Location: ZOOM (https://uni-mannheim.zoom.us/j/6029046636)
19.05.2020 Santiago Gomez Cardona (Heidelberg University)
Title: Basis Risk Effects on the Demand for Index Insurance. Experimental Games with Colombian Coffee Growers
Location: ZOOM (https://uni-mannheim.zoom.us/j/9840371383)
16.06.2020 Mateus Souza (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Title: Predictive Counterfactuals for Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Event Studies with Staggered Adoption
Location: via ZOOM (meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/91766131524)
21.07.2020 Daniel Heyen (ETH Zurich)
Title: Public gob provision: Theory and experimental design
Location: via ZOOM (meeting URL: https://uni-mannheim.zoom.us/j/9840371383)
18.08.2020 Raphael Epperson (University of Mannheim)
Title: Willful Ignorance and the Effect of Information on Meat Consumption
Location: via ZOOM (meeting URL: https://uni-mannheim.zoom.us/j/9840371383)
15.09.2020 Albert Roger (ZEW)
Title: Estimating Technological Gains and Losses from International Environmental Agreements: the Case of Stock Pollutants
Location: via ZOOM (meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/95867352695)
20.10.2020 Tillmann Eymess (Heidelberg University)
Title: Changing Collective Action: Norm-Based Interventions and Team Decisions (joint work with Florian Diekert)
Location: via ZOOM (meeting URL: https://heiconf.uni-heidelberg.de/yykn-ye42-d6x3-v7jh)
17.11.2020 Nanna Fukushima
Title: The UK Clean Air Act, Black Smoke, and Infant Mortality
Location: via ZOOM (https://uni-mannheim.zoom.us/j/2517201017?pwd=Njc3RzIrRmlMTUVicEJjcGhIaUdvZz09)
15.12.2020 Carlo Gallier (ZEW Mannheim)
Title: The ratchet effect in social dilemmas
Location: via ZOOM (https://zoom.us/j/98279856614?pwd=d2l2UzVaTExIT1ZybkR3TTJURjIyZz09)
Talks in 2019
15.01.2019 Andreas Gerster (University of Mannheim)
Title: Disaggregated Consumption Feedback and Energy Conservation: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Location: ZEW, room 1
12.02.2019 Jason Wong (Columbia University)
Title: Blue-sky Thinking: Connectivity Impacts on Regional Economies and Innovation in the United States
Location: ZEW, room 2
19.03.2019 Frikk Nesje (Heidelberg University)
Title: Cross-dynastic intergenerational altruism
Location: ZEW, room 1
16.04.2019 (cancelled)
21.05.2019 Christian Traeger (University of Oslo)
Title: Pricing Climate Risk
Location: FZU, seminar room 215
18.06.2019 Malte Faber (Heidelberg University)
Title: MINE - Mapping the Interplay between Nature and Economy. A digital map for Ecological Economics
Location: FZU, seminar room 215
16.07.2019 Dimitri Szerman (University of Mannheim)
Title: Impacts of Infrastructure on the Environment: Evidence from Power Plants in the Amazon
Location: ZEW, room "Heinz-König-Hall"
20.08.2019 Robbert Schaap (Heidelberg University)
Title: Prudence and Precautionary Saving by Natural Resource Users
Location: ZEW, room "Luxemburg"
17.09.2019 Madzharova, Boryana (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Title: Subsidies for Energy Efficient Appliances
Location: ZEW, room "Straßburg"
15.10.2019 Marcel Oestreich (Brock University) and Alice Solda (Heidelberg University)
Title: The role of inter-firm information on the effectiveness of competitive audit mechanism
Location: ZEW, room 1
19.11.2019 Ann-Kathrin Koessler (University of Osnabrueck )
Title: Social influence motivates public commitments to cooperate
Location: FZU, room 215
17.12.2019 Vincenzo Mollisi (University of Mannheim)
Title: The Productivity Effect of Public-Private Partnership
Location: ZEW, room "Heinz-König-Hall"
Talks in 2018
16.01.2018 Camila Steffens (University of Sao Paolo)
Title: Cigarette Consumers Behavior: Effects of Smoking Bans in Brazil
20.02.2018 Miguel Angel Tovar Reaños (ZEW)
Title: Distributional effects of policies against floods in Germany
20.03.18 Nicolas Koch (Mercator Research Institute)
Title: Agricultural Productivity and Forest Conservation: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon
17.04.2018 Frederick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford)
Title: Should pollution taxes be targeted at income redistribution?
22.05.2018 Tillmann Eymess (Heidelberg University)
Title: Nudging with Teeth: Conforming with Norms of Cooperation
19.06.2018 Nikolas Wölfing (University of Mannheim)
Title: Forward Contracts and Collusion in Supply Functions
17.07.2018 Johannes Diederich (Heidelberg University)
Title: Subsidizing Quantity Donations: Matches, Rebates, and Discounts Compared
Title: The stock markets’ reflection on the IPCC’s findings
16.10.2018 Mario Liebensteiner (TU Kaiserslautern)
Title: Do Intermittent Renewables Threaten the Electricity Supply Security?
20.11.2018 Dana Kassam (University of Mannheim)
Title: Does Electrification Cause Industrial Development? Grid Expansion and Firm Turnover in Indonesia
18.12.2018 Marius Alt (ZEW)
Title: Match Point – Experimental analyses on different matching rates
Talks in 2017
17.01.2017 Robert Germeshausen (ZEW)
Title: Effects of Attribute-Based Regulation on Technology Adoption - The Case of Feed-In Tariffs for Solar Photovoltaic
14.02.2017 Martin Wörter (ETH Zürich)
Title: The adoption of green energy technologies: the role of policies in an international comparison
21.03.2017 Nicola Pavanini (Tilburg University)
Title: Welfare and redistribution in residential electricity markets with solar power
18.04.2017 Wolfgang Hablan (ZEW)
Title: Strategic Delegation and International Permit Markets: Why Linking May Fail
23.05.2017 Tobias Pfrommer (Heidelberg University)
Title: Learning by Negligence - Torts, Experimentation, and the Value of Information
20.06.2017 Jana Gallus (UCLA Anderson)
Title: Increasing Wikipedia editor retention with non-monetary awards: A field experiment
18.07.2017 Daniel Osberghaus (ZEW)
Title: The causal effect of flood experience on climate engagement: evidence from search requests for green electricity in Germany
19.09.2017 Robert Germeshausen (ZEW)
Title: Does the Stick make the Carrot more attractive? State Mandates and Uptake of Renewable Heating Technologies
17.10.2017 Karlijn van den Broek (Heidelberg University)
Title: What determines the effectiveness of environmental, economic and combined appeals in environmental campaigns?
21.11.2017 Nicolas Koch (Mercator Institute)
19.12.2017 Florian Diekert (Heidelberg University)
Title: Why do fishermen comply with regulations? The role of preferences
Talks in 2016
19.01.2016 Claudio Bacchianti (ZEW)
Title: Traffic Jam on the Path for Green Growth: the Macroeconomics of Sectoral Climate Policies
16.02.2016 Stefan Trautmann (Heidelberg University)
Title: Climate Policy Commitment Devices
08.03.2016 Daniel Römer (ZEW)
Title: The Power of Active Choice: Field Experimental Evidence on Repeated Contribution Decisions to a Carbon Offsetting Program
19.04.2016 Claire Gavard (ZEW)
Title: Limited Trading of Emissions Permits as a Climate Cooperation Mechanism? US-China and EU-China Examples
24.05.2016 Johannes Diederich(Heidelberg University)
Title: Direct Prices of Giving
28.06.2016 Daniel Römer (ZEW)
Title: Environmental Policy and Simultaneous Incentives for Process and Product Innovation: Theory and Experimental Evidence
26.07.2016 Miguel Angel Tovar (ZEW)
Title: Cost-effectiveness and Incidence of Renewable Energy Promotion in Germany
20.09.2016 Sylwia Bialek (University of Frankfurt)
Title: Monopolists and the Commons: Trading-off Yield and Disease
18.10.2016 Frank Pothen, Leibniz (University of Hannover)
Title: Distributional Aspects of Household Material-Footprint. The Case of Germany
15.11.2016 Claudio Baccianti (ZEW)
Title: Laggard Sectors and the Cost of Green Growth Policies
13.12.2016 Florian Diekert (Heidelberg University)
Title: Why do fishermen comply with regulations? The role of preferences
Talks in 2015
20.01.2015 Frank Pothen (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Title: A Structural Decomposition of Global Raw Material Consumption
24.02.2015 Israel Waichman (Heidelberg University)
Title: Title: Reciprocity in Labor Market Relationships: Evidence from an Experiment Across High-Income OECD Countries
13.03.2015 Koichiro Ito (Boston University)
Title: The Economics of Attribute-Based Regulation: Theory and Evidence from Fuel-Economy Standards
21.04.2015 Florian Landis (joint work with Peter Heindl)
Title: Distributional Effects of EU Energy and Climate Policy across Countries and Income Levels
26.05.2015 Bu, Maoliang ( Nanjing University)
Title: Foreign Direct Investment Choices of Multinational Firms: Do Corporate Social Responsibility Capabilities and Weaknesses Matter?
16.06.2015 Stefan Lamp (Yale University)
Title: Projection Bias in Solar Electricity Markets
29.09.2015 Fredrik Carlsson (University of Gothenburg)
Title: Does the Water Spill Over? Spillover Effects from a Social Information Campaign
20.10.2015 Goytom Kahsay (ZEW)
Title: Individual behavior in consumer elective pricing: the role of uncertainty
17.11.2015 Claire Gavard (ZEW)
Title: Flexibility in the Market for International Carbon Credits and Price Dynamics Difference with European Allowances
15.12.2015 Hannes Lohse (FZU)
Title: An Online Experiment on Cooperation and Groupishness across Urban Districts
Talks in 2014
21.01.2014 Christiane Reif (ZEW)
Title: Consistent or balanced? On the dynamics of voluntary contributions
18.02.2014 Daniel Heyen (Heidelberg University)
Title: Free-rider vs. free-driver -- R&D incentives for environmental technologies
18.03.2014 Shunsuke Managi (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
Title: Disaster, Energy and Economy
15.04.2014 Prof. Timo Goeschl (Heidelberg University)
Title: Blind trust and cooperation in costly monitoring environments" (with J. Jarke)
20.05. 2014 Sascha Rexhäuser (ZEW)
Title: Invention in Energy Technologies: Comparing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Inventions at the Firm Level
17.06.2014 Tobias Pfrommer (Heidelberg University)
15.07.2014 Nils Kok (Maastricht University)
Title: overview talk of his research on energy efficiency in building, including a new paper on CSR and the cost of debt
16.09.2014 Florian Landis (ZEW)
Title: Matching of abatement efforts as a catalyst for coalition formation in global climate negotiations?
21.10.2014 Daniel Heyen (Heidelberg University)
Title: Information acquisition under Ambiguity - Why the Precautionary Principle may keep us uninformed
11.11.2014 Miguel Angel Tovar Reanos (ZEW)
Title: Fuel for inequality: Distributional effects of a subsidy to electrical vehicles
16.12. 2014 Johannes Diederich (Heidelberg University)
Title: Ambient Noise and Cooperation in Public Good Games
Talks in 2013
22.01.2013 Johannes Diederich (FZU)
Title: Group size and the provision of public goods: An experiment with a diverse German subject pool
19.02.2013 Claudio Baccianti (ZEW)
Title: Energy Conservation Policies under Household Heterogeneity and Uncertainty
19.03.2013 Johannes Jarke (Heidelberg University)
Title: Costly Monitoring and the Emergence of Blind Trust
16.04.2013 Nikolas Wölfing (ZEW)
Title: Asymmetric Pass-through of Emission Allowances Prices in Power Wholesale and its End: Part 2
14.05.2013 Daniel Heyen (Heidelberg University)
Title: The Intergenerational Transfer of Solar Radiation Management Capabilities and Atmospheric Carbon Stocks
18.06.2013 Sacha Rexhäuser (ZEW)
Title: Green Innovations and Organizational Change: Making Better Use of Environmental Technology
16.07.2013 Johannes Lohse (Heidelberg University)
Title: Cooperation in public good games: Calculated or confused?
17.09.2013 Michael Hübler und Frank Pothen (ZEW)
Title: The Optimal Tariff in the Presence of Trade-Induced Productivity Gains
15.10.2013 Kathrine Lausted Veie
Title: The Amenity Cost of Road Noise
19.11.2013 Israel Waichman (Heidelberg University)
Title: Asymmetry and coordination in the collective-risk social dilemma – an experimental study
12.12.2013 Antoine Dechezleprêtre (London School of Economics)
Title: Knowledge spillovers from clean and dirty technologies: A patent citation analysis (2013)
Talks in 2012
16.06.2012 Peter Heindl (ZEW)
Title: Financial Intermediaries, Market Power, and Tradable Permits
17.07.2012 Dr. Anke Leroux (Monash University)
Title: An opimal portfolio of urban water supply assets under climate change
14.08.2012 Alexander Glas and Michael Hübler (ZEW)
Title: The Energy-Bias of South-North Convergence - A Global Bilateral, Bisectoral Panel Estimation
18.09.2012 Prof. Dietrich Harlan Earnhard (University of Kansas)
Title: Effluent Limits and Monitoring: Do Regulators Inspect Polluters Facing Tighter Limits Differently?
16.10.2012 Miguel Angel Tovar Reanos
Title: The structure of energy efficiency investment in the UK households and its average monetary and environmental savings
11.12.2012 Johannes Lohse (Heidelberg University)
Title: Public good games and public good provision – is there a difference? Evidence from an artefactual field experiment.
18.12.2012 Nikolas Wölfing (University of Mannheim)
Title: Asymmetric Pass-through of Emission Allowances Prices in Power Wholesale and its End: Part 1 - The Effect of Regulatory Scrutiny