The output of MultiTip consists of peer-reviewed publications and discussion papers as contributions to the psychological, economic, and interdisciplinary literature. Many of these are co-authored with researchers from the Lake Victoria region.
These publications include papers on project design and other findings.
Dannenberg, A., Diekert, F. & Handel, P. (2022) The Effects of Social Information and Luck on Risk Behavior of Small-Scale Fishers at Lake Victoria, Journal of Economic Psychology , 90, 102493. https://doi .org/10.1016/j.joep.2022.102493
Dannenberg, A., Klatt, C. & Pico, P. (2024) The Effects of Growing Groups and Scarcity on the Use of a Common Pool Resource – a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment with Lake Victoria Fishers. Environ Resource Econ.
Diekert, F. & Eymess, T. (2024) Changing Collective Action: Nudges and Team Decisions, Games and Economic Behavior, 147, 388-406.
Goeschl, T. (2021) Tipping points in interdisciplinary discourse. In: Boutrus, M., Nussel, F. (eds.): Forum Marsilius Kolleg 19, 101-104.
Händel, P.D. & Namuyiga, D.B. (2024) Impact of Externalities on Fishers’ Risk-Taking Decisions: Evidence from an Experimental Study at Lake Victoria, Uganda, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 106757.
Kammerer, J., Gómez-Cardona, S., and Nyamweya, C. (2022). Size selective fishing: The effect of size selectivity on the equilibrium yield in the Nile perch fishery of Lake Victoria. AWI discussion paper series, dp720.
Kammerer, J. (2023). Mathematical modeling of the Nile perch fishery in LV. University of Heidelberg (dissertation).
Klein, S. A., van den Broek, K. L., Luomba, J., Onyango, H. O., Mbilingi, B., & Akumu, J. (2021). How knowledge acquisition shapes system understanding in small-scale fisheries. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 2, 100018.
Marciniak-Czochra, A. (2021). Mathematische Modelle für Tipping Points. In: Boutrus, M., Nüssel, F. (eds.): Forum Marsiliuskolleg 19, 139-143.
Socio-economic group LFVO (2021). Impacts of small-scale fishing and responses to Covid-19 and flooding: a case of LV. Report on activities and overview of data results. Internal report LFVO (stakeholder report R1B.1:)
van den Broek, K. L. (2018). Illuminating divergence in perceptions in natural resource management: A case for the investigation of the heterogeneity in mental models. Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 4, 1–5.
van den Broek, K. L. (2019). Stakeholders’ perceptions of the socio-economic and environmental challenges at Lake Victoria. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, June, 1–7.
van den Broek, K. L., Luomba, J., Onyango, H. O., Musobya, M., & Klein, S. A. (2020). A framework for co-developing conservation research projects with stakeholders: A Lake Victoria case study. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, October, 1–10.
van den Broek, K. L., Klein, S. A., Luomba, J., & Fischer, H. (2021a). Introducing M‐Tool: A standardised and inclusive mental model mapping tool. System Dynamics Review, 37(4), 353–362.
van den Broek, KL, Luomba, J., van den Broek, J., & Fischer, H. (2021b). Evaluating the Application of the Mental Model Mapping Tool (M-Tool). Frontiers in Psychology , 12, 761882.
van den Broek, K. L., Luomba, J., van den Broek, J., & Fischer, H. (2023). Content and complexity of interest groups' mental models of socio-ecological systems. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 85, 101906.
Planned Publications
Diekert F, Eymess T, Goeschl T, Gómez-Cardona S & Luomba J (2022) Subsidizing Compliance: A Multi-Unit Price List Mechanism for Legal Fishing Nets at Lake Victoria. AWI Discussion Paper 0711, Heidelberg University.
Gómez-Cardona, S. & Kammerer, J. (2023) Impact of Gear Choice on Open Access Fisheries: A Study on Fishery Regime. AWI Discussion Paper Series No. 732, Heidelberg University.
Gómez-Cardona, S. (2022) Spatial Structure effects on Fisheries Management for Lake Victoria's Nile Perch. AWI Discussion Paper 713, Heidelberg University.
Gómez-Cardona, S., Kammerer, J. & Mrosso, H. (2022). Fishing Fleet Selectivity in Lake Victoria. AWI Discussion Paper 712, Heidelberg University.
Kammerer, J., Gómez-Cardona, S., und Nyamweya, C. (2022). Size selective fishing: The effect of size selectivity on the equilibrium yield in the Nile perch fishery of LV. AWI Discussion Paper 720, Universität Heidelberg.
A paper on the online experiment regarding the use of punishment institutions in incomplete decentralized groups in an economic journal. (As of March 13, 2024: “Under review” at Experimental Economics)
A paper on the Lab-In-The-Field Experiment regarding the impact of migration on the use of a resource in an economic journal. (As of March 13, 2024: “Revise and resubmit” at Environmental and Resource Economics)