
The MultiTip Team

Our interdisciplinary team consists of researchers from Heidelberg University and University of Kassel, local partner organizations from LVFO, TAFIRI, NaFIRRI, KMFRI and a scientific advisory board.


Preliminary Workshop
Attendees of the MultiTip Preliminary Workshop.
Our researchers, partners and advisory board members discussed the components of MultiTip.

Team Members

Partners from Lake Victoria

Past Team Members 

Scientific Advisory Board



Team Members

Our interdisciplinary research team consists of social scientists, natural scientists and computational natural scientists from Heidelberg University and University of Kassel.

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MultiTip researchers from Universities of Heidelberg and Kassel visit the Kasenyi Landing Site in Uganda.


Prof. Timo Goeschl, Ph.D. 

Timo Headshot

Timo Goeschl is a Professor of Environmental Economics at the Alfred-Weber Institute of Economics,  University of Heidelberg. He is a renowned expert in both theoretical and experimental research on the dynamics of economics in complex environments. He is also director of the Research Center on Environmental Economics, board member of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment and serves as a co-editor of Environmental and Resource Economics, on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Economics of Disasters and Climate Change.


Prof. Dr. Astrid Dannenberg

Astrid Headshot

Astrid Dannenberg is a Professor of Environmental and Behavioral Economics at the Institute of Economics, University of Kassel. She is is widely recognised as a leading expert in experimental environmental economics. She heads the Department of Environmental and Behavioral Economics and is responsible for the Master's degree program Sustainable Economics. Astrid Dannenberg has been awarded the Starting Grant by the European Research Council, was a council member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2016-2019) and is Associate Editor at Economic Inquiry and Co-Editor at Environmental and Resource Economics. 


Prof. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra

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Anna Marciniak-Czochra is a Professor at the Institute of Applied Mathematics at Heidelberg University. She is an expert in mathematical modelling for bio-science research. She is director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics at Heidelberg University and the leader of a research group on Applied Analysis and Modelling in Biosciences. From 2017-2021, she was awarded a research grant by the Collaborative Research Center (funded by the German Research Council) and previously, Anna Marciniak-Czochra was coordinator for the Research Training Group on "Mathematical Modeling for the Quantitative Biosciences".

Prof. Dr. Florian Diekert

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Florian Diekert is a Professor of Environmental Economics at University of Augsburg. He is an expert on renewable resource systems and common-pool resource management. He was awarded the Starting Grant by the European Research Council and has published several interdisciplinary studies on fisheries.



Dr. Karlijn van den Broek

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Karlijn van den Broek is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental and Cognitive Psychology at the University of Heidelberg. She is also part of a select team that is trained at the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership, funded by the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung. Her research looks at the cognitive processes that influence decision-making and environmental behaviour, focusing on heuristics and mental models. In MultiTip, she investigates mental models among Lake Victoria stakeholders and has developed the M-Tool, a software for capturing mental models. This is the first tool that offers a standardized approach that does not require participants literacy for eliciting mental models.


Dr. Santiago Gómez-Cardona

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Santiago Gómez-Cardona is a lecturer at University College Maastricht (UCM) Maastricht University (UM), the Netherlands. He has a doctorate in economics with a background in anthropology at the undergraduate and master levels. He is interested in research on renewable resource extraction and transportation in developing contexts. In MultiTip, he studies the mechanisms that could be implemented to sustainably manage open access fisheries in Lake Victoria.


Dr. Tillmann Eymess


Tillmann Eymess is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Research Center for Environmental Economics, Heidelberg University. His research uses experimental methods to study how environmental pollution crises interact with social inequality. With regards to MultiTip, his research focuses on new regulatory instruments for the use of common pool resources under weak enforcement. 


Philipp Händel

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Philipp Händel is a Ph.D. candidate at the department of Environmental and Behavioral Economics at the University of Kassel. His work in MultiTip focuses on how institutions and the social environment influence risk-taking and cooperative behavior of resource users such as fishers at Lake Victoria.


Johannes Kammerer

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Johannes Kammerer is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Mathematics at Heidelberg University. In the MultiTip project, he investigates the interplay between the fish stock and fishery regulations using a size structured model of the Nile perch fishery.


Sorell de Silva 

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Sorell de Silva is Science Communication Officer for MultiTip at the Research Center of Environmental Economics (RCEE), Heidelberg University. She is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Environmental Economics, Alfred-weber Institute of Economics, University of Heidelberg.  She is interested in studying tools that can be used for fisheries management and wildlife conservation in developing countries. In MultiTip, she studies the use of subsidies as novel instruments for incentivising compliance to gear regulation for fisheries management at Lake Victoria.


Pia Pico 

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Pia Pico is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Environmental and Behavioral Economics at the University of Kassel. Her research interest lies in the experimental investigation of cooperation problems of individuals. In the MultiTip project, she investigates the influence of factors such as resource scarcity and migration, on the sustainable resource management of resource users at Lake Victoria


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Partners from Lake Victoria

We also work with fisheries biologists from local partner organisations in the three riparian countries, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

LaLvfo Logoke Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) is a specialised institution of the East African Community with the mandate to coordinate sustainable management and utilisation of the fisheries resources across the three riparian countries of Lake Victoria. LVFO plays a key role in translating research findings into policy recommendations.


 Dr. Robert Kayanda 

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Robert Kayanda works with Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) as an officer in charge of Fisheries Resource Monitoring and Research. His areas of expertise are fish stock assessment, ecology and fisheries management. He is currently a regional project coordinator of MultiTip, coordinating field activities around the Lake Victoria in collaboration with KMFRI, TAFIRI and NaFIRRI. 

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Ugandan National Fisheries Resources Research (NaFIRRI of NARO - the National Agriculture Research Organisation of Uganda), Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI),  and Kenyan Marine Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) are the three fisheries institutes that are mandated with sustainable management of the fishery. These partners co-designed MultiTip. They assist in research design, facilitating fieldwork and are co-authors in many MultiTip papers.


 Joseph Onyango Luomba  

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Joseph Onyango Luomba is an employee of TAFIRI based in Mwanza Research Center. He has over ten years of conducting wide range of socio-economic issues in fisheries in East Africa Region. His research interest is in small scale fisheries governance, value chain analysis, marketing and management. In the MultiTip project, he is actively involved in the implementation of WP 3 in analyzing the mental models of fishers and stakeholders in the Lake Victoria fishery regarding consequences, conservation efforts, and adaptation strategies to Nile perch stock tipping points and WP 4 on quantitative scenario analysis to evaluate the potential impact of introducing a net subsidy and new bait policies on the health and sustainability of the Lake Victoria fishery.

 Horace Owiti Onyango 

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Horace Owiti Onyango is a Fisheries Socio-economist with a dual focus on research and policy. He works as a researcher at the KMFRI while pursuing a PhD in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources at Cornell University. His expertise lies in understanding the social and economic value of aquatic resources, particularly focusing on sustainable fishing practices. Within the LVFO, Horace represents Kenya's Lake fisheries as part of their Socioeconomics Working Group. His research dives into the livelihoods dependent on these resources, exploring alternative income options that lessen pressure on the ecosystem. His work includes: Economic valuation of Lake Victoria fisheries; Cultural significance and market dynamics of small, local fish species; Production potential of fish aggregating devices (FADs); and Impact of harmful algal blooms on the lives of Lake Victoria fishers (current research). Horace's leadership with the KMFRI team within the MultiTip project involved field data collection. This data is crucial for developing mental models and informing policy decisions for sustainable fisheries, particularly regarding the Dagaa net subsidy.

  Chrispine Nyamweya 

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Chrispine Nyamweya, a Principal Research Scientist and Assistant Director at the KMFRI, is an accomplished ecologist specializing in ecological modeling, fisheries science, data science, and smart technologies. With a Doctorate in Ecological Modeling from the University of Iceland, Chrispine developed the ROMS and Atlantis models for Lake Victoria, enhancing understanding of its circulation patterns and ecosystem dynamics. Chrispine utilizes big data for ecosystem management and is committed to democratizing research through collaborative networks and citizen science.

  Fonda Jane Awuor 

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Fonda Jane Awuor is an Economic Modeller at KMFRI with extensive expertise in economic modelling, valuation, environmental economics,  efficiency and productivity analysis,  gender and social inclusion, food systems, and climate change. Fonda has contributed to numerous research projects in these areas and has been widely published in reputable journals. She holds both a Bachelors and a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics at Kenyatta University, Kenya. Fonda is an active member of several professional organizations, including WIOMSA, EPRN, IAGLR, and AAAE. She also participates in LVFO’s regional and national working groups on socio-economic issues and serves as a gender and social inclusion expert for the IFAD-supported Lake Victoria Small Fish Project (LVSFP).

  Bwambale Mbilingi 

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Bwambale Mbilingi is a Research Scientist (Socio-economist) at National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) of the National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO). He is currently the head of Socio-economics section as well as the focal person for Multitip project at NaFIRRI.

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Past Team Members

Sina Headshot

Sina Klein was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental and Cognitive Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, University of Heidelberg. Her interests include pro-environmental behaviour and cooperation in social dilemmas, personality and situational factors influencing decision behaviour, unethical and cheating behaviour.


Dr. Helen Fischer

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Helen Fischer was a Postdoctoral Researcher in General and Theoretical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, University of Heidelberg. She is interested in decision making in dynamic systems and complex situations, particularly in the field of climate change. She is also interested in interdisciplinary research with behavioural economics, particularly concerning how individual cognitive resources influence behavior when dealing with common property resources.


Dr. Lisa Björk

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Lisa Björk was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Heidelberg University. She is an Environmental and Behavioral Economist with experience of working in interdisciplinary teams. She is interested in the way policy shapes behavior and its contribution to - or failure of contributing to - solving complex environmental problems.


Paul Tuda

Paul Headshot

Paul Tuda was the Communication Specialist in the MultiTip Project. He is a trained fisheries scientist with more than 10 years experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of fisheries-related projects and the assessment of fish stocks.



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Scientific Advisory Board

To ensure high-quality research, our scientific advisory board is made up of world-leading experts in natural resource economics, social and decision sciences, aquatic ecology, applied system science and psychology.

Prof. Marten Scheffer

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Marten Scheffer is a Professor of Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management at Wageningen University. He is one of the world's most renowned experts in the field of stability and resilience of complex systemsWith the help of a Spinoza award and an ERC advanced grant he founded SparcS and now works on finding generic early warning signals for critical transitions. Marten Scheffer also co-founded the ‘South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies’ SARAS. 


Prof. Maja Schlüter

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Maja Schlüter is Professor at the Stockholm Resilience Center. She is a leading expert in the co-evolution of social-ecological systems resulting from interactions between actors, institutions and ecosystems. She leads the MuSES project (Towards middle-range theories of the co-evolutionary dynamics of multi-level social-ecological systems - funded by a consolidator grant of the European Research Council), coordinates the modelling activities in GRAID and is involved in the Aquacross (EU) and Marea (NSF) projects. Maja Schlüter also co-leads the complex adaptive systems and resilience thinking stream at the Stockholm Resilience Centre.


Prof. Coty Gonzales

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Cloetilde (Coty) Gonzales is a Research Professor at the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. She is a renowned expert in human decision making in dynamic and complex environments. Gonzales is the founding director of the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory. Among many other achievements, she is a lifetime fellow of the Cognitive Science Society and of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, a member of the Governing Board of the Cognitive Science Society and a Senior Editor for Topics in Cognitive Science, a Consulting Editor for Decision, and Associate Editor for the System Dynamics Review. She is also a member of editorial boards in multiple other journals. 


Prof. Scott Barrett

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Scott Barrett is the Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics at Columbia University. He is a leading scholar on transnational and global challenges, ranging from climate change to disease eradication. He also has appointments in the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and the Earth Institute. He is also Centennial (Visiting) Professor at the London School of Economics (2022-2025). He has played a number of roles in the policy arena, including as lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,  senior lead advisor to the International Task Force on Global Public Goods, and member of the World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group on malaria eradication.


Prof. Elke Weber


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Elke Weber is a Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs at Princeton University. She is an expert on models in decision-making under uncertainty and time delay in financial and environmental contexts from a psychological and neuroscience perspective. Among her many achievements, her expertise has been sought out by advisory committees, including the US National Academy of Sciences on Human Dimensions in Global Change, an American Psychological Association Task Force that issued a report on the Interface between Psychology and Global Climate Change, and Working Group III for the 5th and 6th Assessment Report of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 


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Updated on: 29.07.2024
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