
The Price of Breathing

The Price of Breathing research project is part of the excellence strategy, a funding programme of the German Federal Government and the Länder. Read about the research below.


Perceived Relative Income and Preferences for Public Good Provision Adobe

by Anca Balietti, Angelika Budjan, and Tillmann Eymess

Guided by a theoretical framework, we study how perceived relative income affects preferences for public goods. In a randomized survey experiment, we inform respondents from India of their official income rank and elicit preferences for air quality, including actual contributions to environmental initiatives. Right-wing supporters withdraw contributions when perceived relative income increases. The effect coincides with diminished health concerns and lower intentions to utilize private protection measures against air pollution. In contrast, center-left supporters do not reduce contributions. A second survey experiment demonstrates the causality of the relationship using a novel treatment that exogenously shifts relative income perceptions.Gridlock graphical abstract









As part of the research design, participants were given the opportunity to contribute to an Indian NGO. On behalf of all participants, the research team made charitable contributions to the Lung Care Foundation, the Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, and WWF India.

Strategic Ignorance and Perceived Control Adobe

by Anca Balietti, Angelika Budjan, Tillmann Eymess, and Alice Soldà

Information can trigger unpleasant emotions. As a result, individuals might be tempted to willfully ignore it. We experimentally investigate whether increasing perceived control can mitigate strategic ignorance. Participants from India were presented with a choice to receive information about the health risk associated with air pollution and later asked to recall it. We find that perceived control leads to a substantial improvement in information retention. Moreover, perceived control mostly benefits optimists, who show both a reduction in information avoidance and an increase in information retention. This latter result is confirmed with a US sample. A theoretical framework rationalizes these findings.

Instrument in Balietti et al. (MC project)

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